
Beverly is a Professional Registered Parliamentarian in the National Association of Parliamentarians, and a member in the American Institute of Parliamentarians. She currently serves as President of the Oregon Association of Parliamentarians, as secretary/treasurer in the Rose City Unit of Parliamentarians, and as the Member-at-Large Representative on the board of directors in the Washington State Association of Parliamentarians. Beverly is also a member of the eNAP Unit and the Electronic Association of Parliamentarians (EAP).

Beverly has served many national, state, and local associations as the meeting parliamentarian, services which includes agenda preparation and script writing, preparation and arrangement of proposed bylaws amendments, elections arrangements and meeting room set-up. She has also served as the presiding chair during contentious homeowners’ associations (HOA) meetings. Beverly believes all members should have a firm understanding of parliamentary procedure and spends a great deal of time presenting workshops to a variety of groups.